Not Related to Spiritual Investments

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Urgent Warning For Humankind and Your Own Inner Peace


Urgent Notice To Join The Only True Spiritual Master Solus Dominus 
These are your options; 
  • The message can only go as far as the Dollar can carry it, Therefore it is a necessity that people who have been financially blessed, Step forward and invest in The Master's Spiritual Community. 
  • The 2 year budget for Arizona ( until the community is self-sufficient ) is between $600K-$2.5 Million ( Depending on YOUR funding level ) 
  • The 2 year budget for Texas $600K-$2.5 Million ( and we already have access to 50 acres near Paulville, Texas 
  • The 5 Year budget for the Philippines , is the same amount as Arizona and Texas, But it will be the total operating costs for 5 Years.
This is part of the Evil in the world today. For Example, 1 Jet fighter is in the $100 Million  ( or more ) range , and the top level investment for the Solus Dominus Spiritual Enlightenment Centers ( for all 3 Centers ) is $7.5 Million. 
  • The value of the Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Centers ( once fully developed ), Has Residual Effects that will first change a smaller group of students / followers...and will spread to the sheeple ( masses ) very easily. Every person will be able to attain True Spiritual Enlightenment, and with this Personal Inner Peace and Enlightenment of each person, World Peace and Unity of Humankind Through Becoming One with Infinite Spiritual Intelligence, will be the Natural Outcome. Infinite Spiritual Intelligence is mandatory and is only accessible Through Master Solus Dominus. Contrary to World Peace, War is not Logical. Master Solus Dominus is a Contrarian Master. 
  • To Repeat, This is an Urgent Message and Warning; If we get started immediately, There is hope for the world, Otherwise...There is no hope !

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