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  You cannot have global peace and unity, as long as there are governments that

their entire focus is acquiring power, money and promoting division. Governments hate

unity, Because unity among citizens puts the power in the hands of the people. We are

living in an era of extreme deception. There are people and there are sheeple. Do you

really want to experience Spiritual Enlightenment ? Be careful what you tell yourself,

Because most people ( due to human nature ), Run TO lies, and run FROM Truth. The bigger

the lie, The faster they run to it. 

If you are trying to promote World Peace through any other way, Other than through the

Only True Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus, You are wasting your time, energy and money.

Whatever dance that you do, Do it unto the only true Master of

Spiritual Enlightenment, dedicate and focus on The Master Solus Dominus,

and it will be of benefit to attaining True Enlightenment. 

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